Is Making Your Website Handicapped Accessible a Legal Obligation?

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Is website accessibility a legal requirement?

Yes. According to Title III of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), all public areas must accommodate people with disabilities — this includes your website. Here is a short list of businesses that require ADA accessible websites:

1. Retail Stores

Including online retail stores that sell goods or services to the public.

2. Banks & Financial Institutions

Including online banking and other financial services.

3. Hotels & Lodging Establishments

Including online booking and reservation systems.

4. Healthcare Providers

Including hospitals, clinics, and medical practices.

5. Educational Institutions

Including schools and universities.

6. Transportation Providers

Including airlines, trains, and bus companies.

7. Government Agencies

Including federal, state, and local governments.

8. Entertainment Venues

Including movie theaters, sports stadiums, and concert halls.

9. Restaurants & Food Service Establishments

Including online ordering and delivery services.

10. Non-Profit Organizations (NPO)

Including charities and other non-profit groups.


Bottom line, it’s important to note that these are not the only businesses that are required to have an ADA accessible website. Any business that is considered a place of public accommodation, whether physical or digital, is required to make their website accessible to individuals with disabilities.

Protect Your Business and Ensure Accessibility

Don’t wait for legal issues to arise.

Ensuring your website is accessible is crucial for protecting your business and providing a better experience for all users.

A professional accessibility audit will help identify compliance gaps and give you the tools to fix them.

Contact us today for a free accessibility audit and learn how to make your website ADA compliant.

Let’s work together to protect your business and create an inclusive online experience.