Why You Should Be Remarketing (and the number 6)

People go to multiple websites and apps to read reviews, comparison shop or look at photos.

It’s no surprise then, that consumers visit websites at least 6 times, on average, in the purchase process.¹

With remarketing, you can re-engage those families who previously visited your site and show them relevant ads while they browse websites and apps or watch videos on YouTube.

Wondering about remarketing numbers?

My clients on average are getting more than double their conversions using remarketing which allows us to use our click spend much more efficiently.

The remarketing outcome?

Our schools are spending far less advertising dollars than other schools who manage their own paid search.

They’re also getting way better results.

I recently spoke with someone who was getting the exact same results that I get but at 3X ad spend. He was spending thousands more OVER what my clients spend with my management fee included!


If you want to get the absolute best from your paid search / advertising tactics, make sure you’re remarketing.

If you’re only doing local SEO for your school, consider adding some pay-per-click (PPC) and remarketing so you can reach and engage with more qualified families more efficiently.