frequently asked questions (FAQs)

This Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section is a list of common questions and answers related to the topics, products, and services covered on this website.

The questions and answers are compiled together to help you if you’re seeking information about those particular topics, products, or services.

FAQs are created to provide you with quick and easy access to answers for common questions that you might have.

AI-Powered Practical Minimalism: Revolutionizing Marketing for Simplicity and Success

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Revolutionizing Practical Minimalism in Marketing Marketing professionals are constantly seeking innovative ways to streamline their strategies, boost…

11 months ago

What is a DSP?

DSP stands for Demand Side Platform. A DSP is a software platform that enables advertisers and agencies to buy digital…

1 year ago

What is an SSP?

SSP stands for Supply Side Platform. An SSP is a software platform that helps digital publishers and app developers sell…

1 year ago

What’s the difference between Facebook / IG ads and programmatic advertising?

Facebook Ads, Instagram Ads, and programmatic advertising offer different advantages and targeting options for advertisers. Facebook Ads and Instagram Ads…

1 year ago

What’s the difference between Google Ads and programmatic advertising?

Google Ads and programmatic advertising are related but not identical concepts. Google Ads is a digital advertising platform that allows…

1 year ago

Can you explain what an algorithm is like I was a 5 year old?

Okay kiddo, imagine you have a bunch of toys on the floor, and your mom wants you to pick them…

1 year ago

How does programmatic advertising work?

Programmatic advertising is a way of automating the buying and selling of digital ad space. This allows advertisers to reach…

1 year ago

Is it worth it to post an as seen on NBC, FOX, CBS, banner on my website?

Whether or not it's worth posting an "As Seen on NBC, FOX, CBS" banner on your website depends on your…

1 year ago