Category: frequently asked questions (about services)

Why Your School Needs Reviews

Almost Everyone Reads Reviews

93% of U.S. consumers check online reviews so you can be sure that whenever someone is looking at a prospective new school, they’re checking online to see if the school has reviews and if the sentiment is a positive one overall. FYI, not having any reviews isn’t a good sign either.

Reviews For Schools Are Trusted

72% of consumers trust online reviews as much as recommendations from friends and family. When it comes to school reviews, that number goes even higher.

Reviews For Schools Are Influential

4 out of 5 consumers have reversed a purchase decision based on negative online reviews. Schools especially suffer when hit with negative reviews.

Good School Reviews Are Under-Represented

Unhappy customers tell an average of 24 people about their experience. Happy ones tell 15 people (usually after being prompted). Unsolicited reviews are typically negative so it makes sense for you to be proactive building your school’s online reputation.

Good Reviews Are Waiting to Happen

90% of typical U.S. consumers read online reviews yet only 6% write them. They’re just waiting for an easy way to do it!

6 Reasons Why Happy People Don’t Write Reviews

  1. “Writing reviews is too tedious”
  2. “I forgot to write the review”
  3. “I have no time”
  4. “No one asked me”
  5. “I didn’t even think about it”
  6. “I don’t know where to write the review”

How to Convert More Happy Customers Into Reviewers

STEP 1: Ask them to write a review

STEP 2: Make the process easy

STEP 3: Follow up with them in a convenient way

The Reputation Solution: A “Review Funnel”

School Review Directories and Websites

How a Review Funnel Works
  1. Ask and remind customers to share their experience online
  2. Drive customers to a destination designed to convert them into reviewers
  3. Guide each reviewer through selecting the best review site and completing a review

Use Multiple Channels To Drive Parents & Students Into The Funnel

Email Drip Campaigns

Automatically email your parent with a drip sequence to encourage reviews!

Website Widgets

Put a review widget on your school’s homepage, blog, or parent resource pages to encourage reviews.

Printed “Invites” & Takeaways

Give parents printed take-aways to encourage reviews.

Convert Parents To Reviewers

STEP 1: Ask For The Review

With a easy-to-use clean landing page, we ask a for a review. Here, we pre-qualify the review to make sure it will be positive!

STEP 2: Review Site Options

Next, we present options on where we want the parent to leave a review.

STEP 3: Review Complete

The parent selects a website and leaves their review.

Identify Unhappy Parents Before They Write A Review

Happy parents are presented with review site options:

Unhappy parents are taken to a private form where you can handle the complain privately via email:

Monitor & Respond To Reviews & Promote Your Positive Reviews

Get Email Alerts For New Reviews

Display Your Positive Reviews To Increase Enrollment Conversions

Awesome Reporting To Track Progress

Unbeatable Features

Review Acquisition

  • Collect school reviews with a customizable landing page
  • Custom website widget
  • Email footer widget
  • Mobile-friendly experience
  • Generates reviews on major review sites
  • Industry-specific sites
  • Collect reviews on site

Review Funnels

  • Automated email funnels
  • SMS messaging
  • Printed review invites for offline integration

Review Monitoring

  • Sends alerts when new reviews are published
  • Alerts include review info and link for response
  • Comprehensively monitors all reviews
  • Monitors all review sites
  • Includes major, minor, and industry-specific sites

Review Marketing

  • Auto-share positive reviews to social media
  • Auto-publish reviews to your website
  • Embed rating with rich-snippet markup
  • Easy embed code
  • Includes aggregate reviews
  • Custom control over review publishing

Click The Button Below To Start Getting Your 4 and 5-Star Reviews TODAY!

How Many Locations?

4-Star and 5-Star Reviews