programmatic advertising

Programmatic advertising is the fully automated data-driven way of media buying and selling ad space on websites.

Through algorithms and machine learning, brands have the ability to show the right ad to the right customer in real time.

Programmatic advertising transformed the way brands buy and sell ad space. It replaced the traditional, manual process involving RFPs, negotiations, contracts, time, and financial resources.

Most dramatically, it made it possible to measure the ROI of ad campaigns in real time.

The Power of Precision: How Targeted Can Digital Ads Really Get?

Dive deep into audience targeting with digital ads. From behavior to life events, learn how precise you can get. Contact…

4 weeks ago

Professional Advertising for Big Brands

Professional advertising for big brands, especially in the context of digital advertising campaigns, is a vast and multifaceted field. Here's…

6 months ago

What is a DSP?

DSP stands for Demand Side Platform. A DSP is a software platform that enables advertisers and agencies to buy digital…

1 year ago

What is an SSP?

SSP stands for Supply Side Platform. An SSP is a software platform that helps digital publishers and app developers sell…

1 year ago

Can you share some examples of programmatic advertising?

Here are 6 examples of programmatic advertising by various types of brands and businesses: 1. Coca-Cola In 2019, Coca-Cola launched…

1 year ago

What’s the difference between Facebook / IG ads and programmatic advertising?

Facebook Ads, Instagram Ads, and programmatic advertising offer different advantages and targeting options for advertisers. Facebook Ads and Instagram Ads…

1 year ago

What’s the difference between Google Ads and programmatic advertising?

Google Ads and programmatic advertising are related but not identical concepts. Google Ads is a digital advertising platform that allows…

1 year ago

How programmatic advertising works on Google Ads

Programmatic advertising on Google Ads works through the Google Ads auction, which uses real-time bidding to determine which ads to…

1 year ago