NO Marketing Is Good For Your School

SOS - the best solutions are generally the simplest ones (like making it easy for parents to leave 4 and 5 star testimonials on school review sites).

You’ve already been beaten over the head about the importance of saying ‘no’ yet we rarely apply it outside our immediate circle.

Are you truly able to say no to the newest / hottest marketing strategy?

Many aren’t (school leaders tend to be drawn to the new in the hopes that they may find something better, faster, or more efficient).

I see schools jump from marketing tactic to marketing tactic and prematurely shift strategies all the time.

At best its chasing two rabbits and at worst its shiny object syndrome.

Neither ends well.

The best solutions are generally the simplest ones (like making it easy for parents to leave 4 and 5 star testimonials on review sites).

Very little glamour… just consistent and predictable results that pay off incredibly huge in the longer term.
